When you are getting ready to paint your house, hopefully you have prepared yourself for the task at hand. This is a big job that takes a lot of prep work. In fact, the prep work that is required is often the most important part of the entire project. If you don’t prepare your home before you paint it, the paint will more than likely not adhere to your home properly and won’t last as long. Big Moose Pressure Cleaning is here to share some tips that will hopefully help you prepare your home properly for exterior paint.
Properly Clean Surface of House Before Painting
One of the most important steps to preparing your home for paint is to make sure it is clean. This is best done with a pressure washer. However, before you attempt to do this on your own, you need to know that it can be incredibly easy to damage your home if you don’t know what you’re doing. It is always best to hire a professional to ensure your home is both sparkling clean and free from any damage due to pressure washing mistakes. A professional will know what cleansers are safe to use on your home as well as what nozzle to use that will ensure the right amount of pressure is being used to clean your home’s surface.
Let Walls Dry After Washing Before Painting
After your house has been professionally washed, it is vital that you allow the house enough time to completely dry out. If you paint your home while its surface is still somewhat wet, you will end up with a mold and mildew problem on your hands. After your house cleaning has been completed, you need to allow your home at least 48 hours of dry weather before you paint its surface to avoid this problem. Make sure you’re allowing the sunlight to do its magic in drying out your home’s surface and choose to start to this project when there is no rain in the forecast.
Repair Walls Before Painting
The next thing that you want to do to prepare your home for paint is to get rid of any chipping or lifting paint. Using sandpaper or a wire brush, you can get the surface of your home dull so that the new paint will adhere properly. This is also a good time to take a close look around the corners, doors and windows to make sure the caulking doesn’t need to be replaced as well. If it is starting to crack, you know that it will need a bead of caulking to ensure everything is sealed properly.
Pressure Cleaning, Power Washing & More in McDonough, Barnesville, Fayetteville, Covington, Locust Grove, Griffin, Stockbridge & Social Circle & Jackson, Georgia
If you’re getting ready to paint your house, you can turn to Big Moose Pressure Cleaning to make sure your home is clean and ready. We have the experience and equipment needed to ensure your home isn’t damaged in the cleaning process. Call us today!