Pressure washers are used for a plethora of tasks like cleaning off concrete, removing old paint from the outside of a home or cleaning large sturdy building. They are an environmentally friendly option and very effective when used properly. Many consumers go out and purchase their very own pressure washer to store in the garage and pull out every once in a while to take care of a chore or task that they believe requires the strength of a pressure washer. Although these are wonderful and powerful tools that are effective, if used improperly, they have the ability to cause serious injury to the person using the pressure washer and to anyone who is close by as well. It is better to leave the use of this tool to the professional, and avoid any potential danger and damage.
Do it Yourself Pressure Washing Mistakes
If you do feel capable of using this tool on your own, there are important and necessary rules to follow to ensure your safety. The power from a pressure washer can cause serious injury that may first appear minor, so the person injured believes no medical attention is required. Unfortunately this can lead to risk of infection, disability or even amputation. Using a pressure washer should never be taken lightly in any situation.
DIY Power Washer Dangers
A pressure washer has the ability to throw objects that can strike and injure those who are in the proximity of the job. Being aware of the direction you are pointing the pressure washer is extremely important and requires full awareness of the person operating the tool at all times. Electric shock is another risk of using a pressure washer, if you are unaware of nearby electricity, you are putting yourself in danger of being electrocuted.
What Should You Not Do when Power Washing?
There is a long list of actions that should never be taken while operating a pressure washer. Never point a pressure washer at yourself or anyone for that matter. This will result in major injury and leave you looking like a fool; a pressure washer is not a toy and should never be treated like one. Never attempt to move object with the pressure washer as they objects can potentially fly into someone or something, causing injury or damage. Never use a gasoline powered pressure washer in an enclosed area, as this will result in carbon monoxide poisoning.
Professional Power Cleaning & More in McDonough, Barnesville, Fayetteville, Covington, Locust Grove, Griffin, Stockbridge & Social Circle, Georgia
Save yourself the time, energy and risk that is involved with operating a pressure washer yourself, by contacting a professional to easily handle the job. Big Moose Pressure Cleaning will take care of all your pressure cleaning needs and keep you safe and prevent any accidents form happening. Big Moose Pressure Cleaning is experienced, highly skilled and constantly trained in operating a pressure washer properly.