One of the most frequently asked questions for a pressure cleaning service is whether or not you can pressure clean a brick house or other brick surfaces. There are a lot of rumors going around that tell you that you cannot pressure clean brick. However, that isn’t true. Brick homes and other surfaces can be pressure cleaned. Even so, there are a few considerations when cleaning brick using pressure cleaning. The wrong cleaning settings and methods can damage the brick. To ensure you get a quality brick pressure cleaning, Big Moose Pressure Cleaning would like to share the details of pressure cleaning brick homes.
Can a Pressure Washer Damage Brick?
When you clean a brick surface on your home, you never want to use too high of pressure. A pressure cleaning machine has a number of different pressure settings as well as water flow settings. When cleaning brick you must avoid using too high of pressure. Pressure set too high can cause damage to the brick’s surface. This is why it is important to know the proper pressure setting for brick surfaces. For those who do their own pressure cleaning, be sure to research how to properly clean brick and which pressure setting is best. Another thing to avoid when cleaning brick is using an acidic based cleaner. Acidic cleaners can cause major damages to stone and brick surfaces. Even if you need certain substances such as mold, lichens, moss and mildew removed from the brick’s surface you do not want to use an acidic cleaner on brick. Acid base cleaners will get absorbed into the pores of the brick. Slowly the acid will erode the brick from the inside.
Should You Soft Wash a Brick House?
When brick homes or other brick surfaces need to be cleaned, a pressure cleaning is still the ideal way to go. However, when cleaning brick you will want to use or seek a soft pressure cleaning. A soft pressure cleaning still uses a strong force to clean the brick’s surface. However, the force is reduced. Even though the pressure is basically softer, it is still strong enough to clean the surface of the brick. Even a soft pressure cleaning is enough to clean the brick surface and often without the need of any type of cleaner. However, if a chemical cleaner is needed, you will want to use a cleaner that is safe to be used on brick. A professional pressure cleaning service will know which cleaners to use on brick and provide the needed soft pressure cleaning. Brick can last forever with the proper care. However, that includes removing substances that can damage the brick and avoid over the top cleaning. It is important to keep the brick clean and that the brick is cleaned the right way.
Pressure Cleaning, Power Washing & More in McDonough, Barnesville, Fayetteville, Covington, Locust Grove, Griffin, Stockbridge & Social Circle, Georgia
If you live in a brick home or have other brick surfaces that need to be cleaned, you would be wise to seek a soft pressure cleaning. For soft pressure cleaning and other types of pressure cleaning services, contact Big Moose Pressure Cleaning and schedule our services today.