What is the Correct Way to Clean a Roof in Stockbridge, GA? Soft Washing to Remove Algae

The roof on your house is likely something that you don’t think about too often. For most people, they don’t think about their roof at all unless they are experiencing an issue with it. However, part of maintaining a healthy roof is making sure it remains clean. Cleaning a roof is a tricky job when you don’t know what you’re doing. Big Moose Pressure Cleaning is here to talk about what needs to be done to keep your roof clean without causing any damage to it.

Moss & Algae Can Damage a Roof

The roof on your home is your home’s first defense against the elements. This is why it is so essential to keep it in good condition. Something that can cause damage to your roof and leave it susceptible in situations where severe weather is concerned, is moss and algae growth. The big problem with Moss and algae growth is the fact that these substances hold moisture close to the roof. That added moisture can cause shingles to get soft and crumble, leaving your home susceptible to damage.

How Do Professionals Remove Moss from Roof?

Cleaning moss and algae growth off of the shingles on your roof is not something that the average homeowner should attempt to do on their own. Not only can this be a dangerous situation as you try to balance yourself on top of a roof, but it can also leave you with a damaged roof when you don’t know how to properly clean the shingles. This is why this job is always best left to professionals.

Does Soft Wash Remove Algae?

While pressure washers can be extremely helpful in cleaning many outdoor surfaces, they should not be used on a roof. Pressure washing can end up causing serious damage to roofing materials. These cases, it is helpful and most successful to have your roof cleaned using soft washing methods. It is the most effective way to remove damaging moss and algae from your roof.

Don’t Wait for Moss & Algae Growth to Soft Wash Your Roof

Many homeowners will wait until they can visibly see moss and algae growth to have their roof cleaned professionally. There are several different factors that can play a role in moss and algae growth on your roof. Getting rid of leaf litter, twigs and other debris from your roof’s surface can help avoid environments where moss and algae can thrive. Consistent soft washing on a roof will help keep the roof free from all of this debris.

Soft Roof Washing, Pressure Cleaning, Power Washing & More in McDonough, Barnesville, Fayetteville, Covington, Locust Grove, Griffin, Stockbridge & Social Circle & Jackson, Georgia

If you are concerned that your roof is in danger of moss and algae growth, you can turn to Big Moose Pressure Cleaning to soft wash your roof and ensure it stays in good condition to provide the protection your home needs against Mother Nature. Call us today!

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